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Security Tools


Internet One, Inc.

Root provides the UNIX system administrator a control mechanism to allowauthorized users to issue selected commands under root's user ID. Theusers are validated with their own password instead of the root password.This simple but important feature prevents the widespread distribution ofthe root password, which not only enhances system security, but preventsthe unintended but serious event of a user accidentally issuing a harmfulcommand while under a root shell.The following items are logged either through a file or via syslogd;data, time, hostname, user, issued command, and current workingdirectory. This provides accountability for all commands issued underthe control of root, unlike the situation when someone uses the sucommand to obtain a root shell.A database of root users allows precise specification on a per-userbasis. Each user's entry in the database specifies which host andcommand sets should be allowed or denied. Additionally, any commandparameters can be specified in the database. Host, command, and useraliases allow flexible specifications to be written.FEATURES:SPECIFICATIONS:

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3

Internet One, Inc.
1113 Spruce St
Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: (303) 444-1993
Fax: (303) 938-5005